“Chrysanthemums and Dragonfly”. My first watercolor festival in Fabriano

I took part in the international watercolor festival in FABRIANOinACQUERELLO for the first time in 2016. It was so exciting, I was very happy when my work “Chrysanthemums and Dragonfly” was selected for an international exhibition in Fabriano. About 600 painters from all over the world sent their works to the exhibition. Artworks were exhibited in various exhibition spaces of Fabriano: it seemed that the whole city for these 4 days turned into the world capital of Watercolor.

Chrysanthemums and dragonfly. Watercolor painting by Marina Markizova

Watercolor “Chrysanthemums and dragonflies”. Watercolor, watercolor paper Fabriano, 50×75 cm.